Official ST3ER Mentors List is available. Click on the following link

Call Details

(closed for applications)

Are you an experienced mid-career/senior entrepreneur, investor, innovator or professional motivated to contribute to the significant role of scaling the twin transition (green and digital) in tourism?

Then we want you as a mentor in the ST3ER project!

[What is ST3ER]

Call Description

The ST3ER Project is launching a fully-fledged impactful tourism-oriented programme for SMEs to boost resilient and sustainable tourism businesses, capable of growing and developing coordinated responses to support the achievement of European goals.

To boost the tourism-oriented SMEs at the nexus of the experience economy, targeting elements of culture, heritage and creativity within the digital and sustainability context, ST3ER will provide mentoring, access to finance, training, business support resources, as well as new connections and co-creation opportunities with other relevant stakeholders.

The target SMEs in the project will have to demonstrate an association with the following NACE codes:
      • I - Accommodation and Food Service Activities
      • R - Arts, Entertainment and Recreation
      • J - Information and Communication
      • S - Other Service Activities

Each SME enrolled in the programme will be provided with financial support to implement a proposed innovative project plan. In brief, SMEs will be selected through two Open Calls:

  • Open Call #1 (anticipated for March 2024, closing June 2024)
  • Open Call #2 (anticipated for February 2025, closing May 2025)


Each SME selected for support by the ST3ER project will be mentored. All SMEs will be obliged to complete a mentoring programme lasting at least 30 hours, giving them access to one-on-one advice in relevant topics identified as part of their innovative project plan submissions with respect to their green or digital transition. This 30-hour mentoring programme will be coordinated by the ST3ER consortium partners. In some cases, more than one mentor may be assigned to an SME within the confines of the budget allocated, depending on the specific supports they require.

Please be aware that the cost for mentoring services quoted by prospective mentors will be shared with all the successful SMEs to facilitate their search for appropriate mentoring support. The hourly rate quoted will need to adhere to the range quoted for the country in which the mentor is located. This price range is presented in Annex 2. Higher hourly rates than those presented in Annex 2 can be accepted, however, they must be justified. The ST3ER consortium reserves the right to reject hourly rates if such are not in line with industry norms.

To this end, the ST3ER project welcomes motivated and experienced mid-career and senior entrepreneurs, investors, innovators, and professionals with competencies in the digital or green sectors to apply for admission to join the pool of mentors.

The mentor and the tourism SME beneficiary will sign a ‘’Mentoring Agreement’’ detailing the task that will be carried out and the desired outcomes, the value of the contract, the duration of the service provision and payment conditions.

For mentors working with selected SMES in Call #1, the 30 hours of mentoring will be distributed over 12 months and shall include at least 1 one-to-one session per month.

For mentors working with selected SMES in Call #2, the 30 hours of mentoring will be distributed over 6 months and shall include at least 2 one-to- one sessions per month and at the agreed quotation price per working hour, including VAT if applicable.

A session of mentoring is defined as time for face-to-face mentoring plus the time needed for the mentor to prepare and/or report.  A session will be up to one hour and a half face-to-face time, and the corresponding preparation and reporting time should not exceed one hour. All sessions need to respect this ratio, and other details agreed by the SME and mentor as defined in the Mentoring Agreement.

Within the number of mentoring hours, the agreement covers the time devoted for reporting purposes to the ST3ER partners namely, preparation of the inception and final feedback forms, and participation in the mid-term and final interviews.

In the event of more than one mentor being assigned to an SME, the total amount of mentoring under this programme will not exceed 30 hours. A pro-rata distribution of the budget available, based on the number of hours agreed with each mentor, should be applied.

Application Procedure and Admission Requirements for Mentors

Please download and read carefully the detailed Call for Mentors and Experts

Timetable information

Open call for Expressions of Interest for the establishment of a pool of Mentors to provide services to SMEs under the ST3ER project

Online Application form (mandatory)


Dissemination and opening of the call for the mentor panel

Deadline for submission of applications

Communication on admission or exclusion to the mentor panel

Launch of the mentoring process with SMEs

End of mentoring process with SMEs


February 15th 2024

June 15th 2024

Within a month of submission

  • Call #1: Up to 1 month after the SMEs approval, that should take place in Spring 2024
  • Call #2: Up to 1 month after the SMEs approval, that should take place in Spring 2025
  • Call #1: up to 12 months after mentoring kick-off (as agreed individually with the SMEs)
  • Call #2:  up to 6 months after mentoring kick-off (as agreed individually with the SMEs)

Local monitoring ST3ER Partners

  • Ireland, Údaras na Gaeltachta
  • Ireland, WestBIC
  • Portugal, UPTEC – Associação de Transferência de Tecnologia da Asprela
  • Spain, Fundacion Bahia de Cadiz para el Desarrollo Economico
  • Slovenia, Razvojni center Srca Slovenije, d.o.o.
  • Denmark, Fonden Creative Business Cup (CBN)
Caitlín Breathnach,
Eunan Cunningham,
Ana Suárez Lena,
Mojca Štepic,
Catarina Reis,

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